Student Intervention Services
Significant crisis issues or student conduct incidents need to be reported outside of Starfish. For your convenience, the following services will connect you to appropriate alternative intervention services.
Basic Needs Resources – Beaver Cares
Help students find food, clothing, housing, technology, or other resources for their basic needs.
Crisis Assessment and Support Team (CAST) Referral
CAST provides proactive support to students who have been identified as being potentially at-risk. They review student issues that warrant an action plan but are not disciplinary.
Office of Student Conduct
Violations of academic integrity principles and violations of student behavioral standards are reported to the Office of Student Conduct. Learn how to submit informal or formal referrals. For incidents that involve immediate threat, violence, or illegal activities – or for self-harm assessments – contact Campus Police.
Los Rios Police Department
For emergencies, call 9-1-1. Los Rios Police Department dispatch can be reached at (916) 568-2221. Officers provide many services to students and employees, including transportation, property registration and recovery, fingerprinting, and issuing keys.
Sexual Violence and Title IX Protections
Sexual misconduct is prohibited by district policy and federal and state law. We will promptly respond to reports of sexual assault and take action to prevent any further misconduct and impose discipline (when necessary).
WEAVE Confidential Advocate
The WEAVE confidential advocate is a person available to confidentially support or provide information to students or employees who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, or sexual harassment.