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To provide release time from regular duties in order for unit members to respond to changing educational conditions and student needs. These leaves allow time to unit members to engage in studies, projects, or other beneficial activities, which do not fall within their regular responsibilities.


Type A is leave of one semester at full pay or one year at half pay (see criteria 11.6.9). 
Type B is leave at full pay of up to 100% reassigned time for up to one year in duration. Leaves shall normally commence at the beginning of a semester.

Approximate equivalent FTE leave time to project hours (652.5xFTE formula)

  • .1 FTE 65 hours
  • .2 FTE 131 hours
  • .3 FTE 196 hours
  • .4 FTE 261 hours
  • .5 FTE 326 hours
  • .6 FTE 392 hours
  • .7 FTE 457 hours
  • .8 FTE 522 hours
  • .9 FTE 587 hours
  • 1.0 FTE 653 hours


  • Any tenured faculty member with 7 years of service is eligible for a type A leave.
    In addition, there must be 7 years of satisfactory service between Type A leaves granted to one individual.
  • Any tenured or tenure-track faculty member who has satisfactorily completed a sequence of three full years of service with the District is eligible for a type B leave. 
    There is no service requirement between Type B leaves.


In addition to the criteria listed below, the ARC Professional Standards Committee requires two additional components.

  1. The proposal must include a description of how the project meets one or more of the college’s goals and focus areas, and/or the state’s professional development guidelines. Information on the college goals can be found on the Resources tab.
  2. Letters of support for the proposal from both the applicant’s Dean or Supervisor and at least one colleague.

Candidate applications for leaves are reviewed and selected based on one or more of the following categories as set by Los Rios Community College District Agreement with Los Rios College Federation of Teachers Section 11.6.4 & 11.6.6:

11.6.4 Criteria Retraining of applicant to allow for future new assignment(s) in a needed area as determined by college and District priorities. Studies, projects or activities that provide staff with opportunities to upgrade academic, technical and vocational skills and knowledge for current or future assignments. Studies, projects, or activities for the improvement of curriculum, educational delivery systems, student personnel services, or other support services. Studies, projects or activities for development or revision of certificate or degree programs. Studies, projects or activities related to feasibility or revision of new or existing programs. Studies, projects or activities for the enhancement of student access and success at the course, program or institutional levels.

11.6.6   Selection of Candidates The Professional Standards Committee (which includes LRCFT representation) will review all faculty applications and submit its recommendation to the College President. President's recommendations will be sent to the Chancellor for presentation to the Board each semester. Should the College President disagree with the committee's selection, the reasons shall be given in writing and forwarded to the committee within two (2) weeks after submission. Any faculty member who is recommended for a leave by the college Professional Standards Committee and is not recommended by the College President or the Chancellor shall have the right to appeal to the Board. The primary factors to be considered in evaluating a request for leave will be: The relative potential benefit to the students, college programs, the institution and/or the faculty member making the request. The applicant's high level of performance of duties. The final selection among recommended candidates shall rest with the Board.

11.6.9 Service Agreement with the District for Type A Leaves The applicant shall agree in writing to serve the District for a period of time which is equal to twice the period of the leave immediately after the completion of the leave. If this agreement is not fulfilled, the applicant shall be required to repay to the District an amount which bears the same proportion to the total compensation received as the amount of time which was not served bears to the total amount of time agreed upon. This obligation shall be canceled if death or permanent disability prevents fulfilling the terms of the contract.

Application & Proposal

Any faculty applying with another faculty on a joint proposal must submit a separate application to the committee. 

Eligible faculty's completed application must include the following components: 

  1. Sabbatical/Professional Development Leave Application (pg. 2-4)
  2. A description of the applicant’s qualifications to undertake and complete the proposed project.
  3. An explanation of how the accomplishment of the proposal will benefit students, college programs, the institution, and/or the faculty member. Include a description of how the project meets one or more of the college’s goals and focus areas, and/or the state’s professional development guidelines. 
  4. Provide a narrative of the project addressing each of these components:
    1. Statement of purpose
    2. Objective(s) for the project
    3. Detailed description of the proposed activities
    4. Tentative timeline showing the organization of release time to specific activities – list the expected time to accomplish each activity and the total amount of time for the project
    5. Budget or other support resources needed. Method of evaluation – how will the applicant determine project success?
    6. Plan for sharing the results of the project

5. Letters of support for the project from both the applicant’s Dean or Supervisor and at least one colleague.

Scan the application, proposal, and support documents into one PDF document and email before 4:00 pm on the date of deadline to: .

Title the single document file using your last name and the type of leave you are requesting e.g. Smith_TypeB_Leave_Proposal

Selection of Candidates

The Professional Development Leave Committee (which includes LRCFT representation) will review all applications and submit recommendations for approval to the college President. The president's recommendations will be sent to the Chancellor for presentation to the Board of Trustee each semester.

  • Should the president disagree with the committee's selection, the reason shall be given in writing and forwarded to the committee within two weeks after submission.

Any faculty member who is recommended for a leave by the college Professional Development Leave Committee and is not recommended by the college president or the Chancellor shall have the right to appeal to the Board.