Professional Standards Type A and B Leaves
Committee Purpose
Receives and reviews the applications of faculty members desiring professional development leaves. Makes recommendations to approve proposals for professional development leaves to the president.
Professional Standards Type A & B Leave Proposal
In addition to the application form on pages 2-4, there are additional requirements that are explained on pages 5-7 of this document. A checklist has been included to assist you in submission of a comprehensive proposal.
Faculty members who complete Type A or B leaves must submit a 3-5 page report to the Professional Standards/Type A & B Leaves Committee.
Type A/B Leave Application & Report Deadlines:
- Type A/B Leave Deadlines
- Applications for Spring leave are due by September 1.
- Applications for Fall leave are due by February 1.
- Type A Leave Reports are due within three months of returning to work.
Approved Leave Final Reports
Review Approved Final ReportsContact
Membership Composition
Membership Composition = Total of 18 members
4 Managers + 1 ex-officio
14 Faculty (1 member from each instructional area, plus Learning Resources and Counseling)
Quorum: For voting purposes, a quorum is defined as a minimum of 50% plus one, or 9 members, either physically or by proxy for action.
Submit Your Application Here
Please email your completed Type A & B Leave Applications to:
Type A & B Leave Application
Committee Meetings Dates
The Type A/B Leave Committee meets at least 4 times per academic year, aligning with contractual deadlines for board decisions.
Fall Meetings:
Scheduled early in the fall semester to review leave conversions and application processes.
Held before the board's mid-October decision deadline for spring leave applications.
Spring Meetings:
Conducted before the board's March decision deadline for fall leave applications.
Meet as needed to finalize recommendations and address outstanding matters.
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: Via Zoom (unless otherwise specified)