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SIEF Definitions Section


Adaptive Equipment: Equipment for those with disabilities that make the instructional program accessible. "Accessible" means that individuals with disabilities are able to independently acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services within the same timeframe as individuals without disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use. Examples of adaptive equipment/assistive technology would be the following:

  • CCTV's (hardware or equipment) for low vision users to read textbooks, library books
  • Magnification software for users with low vision
  • Screen reader software for users who are blind
  • Screen reader software for users with learning disabilities
  • Adjustable height tables for users in wheelchairs
  • Ergonomic furniture for users needing adjustments due to physical disabilities
  • Scanning solutions (small scanners for text to voice software and/or high-end scanners for digitizing library research in books)
  • Accessible teaching podiums for instructors with disabilities
  • Any purchase of accessible technology in order to meet the needs of students on a college
  • Accessible clickers used in lecture hall setting to record student response systems

Equipment: Tangible property with a purchase price of at least $200 and a useful life of more than one year, other than land or buildings and improvements thereon.

Instructional Support 5-Year Plan: A spreadsheet submitted by each district to the Chancellor’s Office comprised of the district’s future instructional equipment needs over a period of five years.

Project Funding Proposal: A statement submitted by the districts of the intent, scope, justification, estimated cost and timing of proposed scheduled maintenance/special repair, architectural barrier removal, seismic retrofit, and hazardous substances projects.

Scheduled Maintenance: Non-recurring work to restore a community college facility to a safe and continually useable condition for which it was intended.

Scheduled Maintenance 5-Year Plan: This plan is submitted by each district to the Chancellor’s Office summarizing the district’s future scheduled maintenance/special repair projects over a five-year period.

Supply: A material item of an expendable nature that is consumed, wears out, or deteriorates in use; or one that loses its identity through fabrication or incorporation into a different or more complex unit or substance.