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Student Equity & Achievement Program One-Time (570B)




The Student Equity and Achievement Program (SEAP) was established in Education Code (EC) 78222 with the intent of supporting Guided Pathways and the system wide goal to eliminate achievement gaps. As a condition of receiving funds, a district shall comply with the following: maintain an equity plan per EC 78220; provide matriculation services per EC 78212; adopt placement polices per EC 78213 (AB 705) and provide all students with an educational plan.


The state-funded Student Equity and Achievement Program provides colleges with an annual allocation to address five metrics that are aligned with the new student-centered funding formula, closing equity gaps, as well as Guided Pathways. The SEAP One-Time Funding Request must be based on the goals described in the  ARC Student Equity Plan. Each request must address at least one metric and one DI population to qualify for funding.

Five Metrics

  • Access: Successful Enrollment
  • Retention: Fall to Spring
  • Completion of Transfer Level Math and English
  • Transfer to a 4-year Institution
  • Vision Goal Completion: Degree and Certificate Completion

Managers are responsible for the following:

  • Adhere to the one-time funding request plan and funding guidelines
  • Budget oversight and ensuring progress of plan
  • Must comply with college processes and adhere to timelines

Authorization to commit District funds is only allowed by individuals that have been given the delegation of authority by the Board of Trustees, Board Regulation 8315, 3.1. Purchases made in the name of the District without an authorized purchase order can be considered the obligation of the person making the purchase and not the obligation of the District.

Requests are accepted from   July 1st through March 30th and must be approved by Authorized Manager before it is forwarded to the President’s Executive Team for review and final approval. Please allow 10 business days for a request to be reviewed and considered. 


Usage of SEAP funds should focus on the clear indicators of academic success:  academic counseling, tutoring, outreach to DI populations, encouraging Math and English through-put, increasing student success in classes (gap reduction), reducing time to completion of academic program, emergency support funding, cultural events that increase retention, and completing programs with a degree and/or certificate. 

See full program expenditure guidelines.

Non-Allowable Expenditures

  • Gifts -- Public funds may not be used for gifts or monetary awards of any kind. Expenditures for a public purpose are not considered a gift of public funds
  • Stipends for students -- funds cannot be used to pay stipends to students for participation in program or classroom
  • Political Contributions.
  • Courses -- funds may not be used to pay for the delivery of courses that generate
  • Supplanting – Any funds spent on these programs should supplement, not replace, general or state categorical (restricted) district funds expended on similar program activities prior to the availability of program funding. This restriction applies to categorical programs and any other federal, state, and county Supplanting rules do not apply to expenditures previously paid for by BSI, SE or SSSP.


The President Executive Team is the categorical budget approver for the Student Equity & Achievement Program Fund. All SEAP requests and purchases must be submitted to the respective CP/VP for approval.


Year-end balances for SEAP are carried over to next fiscal year to the institution. It does not roll over to the area.


July 1 thru June 30

Submit SEAP One-Time Funding Request here

President's Collaboration Fund Application

Submit President’s Collaboration Funding Request Here